We give it a second thought
Our business is about individuals, our kin assisting our clients with tracking down the ideal individuals. We care profoundly about our associates, our clients, and their applicants. We exist to assist our clients with building a groundwork of trust and wellbeing and alleviate their kin risk.
Innovation driven
We are precise quick and driven and are continually putting resources into innovation to guarantee we convey results; we realize they matter. Our foundation is worked effortlessly for both our clients and competitors top of brain.
Consistency Focus
We hold ourselves to the most noteworthy legitimate and moral norm for consistence - principal to us, you and your competitors. We take an all encompassing, far reaching way to deal with overseeing protection, legitimate and administrative necessities connecting with worldwide foundation screening.
Worldwide Reach with Local Expertise
You really want a screening program that is however exhaustive as it seems to be consistent. We give exhaustive worldwide arrangements and profound aptitude in the geologies we serve.
Built-in Industry Standard
our artificial intelligence and machine learning-enabled technology to draw inferences from existing data and patterns to structure the unstructured data. Our technology helps automate the manual HR process allowing you to handle high volumes.
Increased efficiency in Verification
Automate informed decision making
Enabling social Engineering and Social Crawling
Secure Record Management for 15 years
Certralised databased management
What We Offer
From private companies to worldwide associations, spreading over a wide scope of enterprises, our set-up of individual verification, occupant screening, and medication testing arrangements will assist you with recruiting with certainty, remain agreeable, and deal with the whole cycle.
Background Verification
Education Validation
Experience Validation
Reference Checks
360 Degree Validation of Experience
Behavior Check
Psychological Interview validation
No Shows
Offer Rejections
Integrity Checks
Role and Reference Validations in-Depth
Individual Checks
Validation of Company
Validation of Income
Behavioral Interview
Mentel Wellness
Behavioural Validation
Criminal Record Check
Validation of presence of Criminal record, Address, and Misc record
Brands that trust us for the solutions provided by BackGround Verification Team